Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pain in Love....

What do you do when you Love Someone...
What do you do when their Agonizing Torment Overwhelms You...
How do you preserve Your Self through all the Pain and Chaos?

Do You....

Fight them?
Yell at them?
Try to Nurture them?
Cry your Heart out?
Remove yourself?
Seek Another?

Certain characters suffer more than others.
What's their motive?
Do they seek to control you?
Do they continually disappoint your inner being?

If their remorse is genuine...
How do you penetrate their defenses...
How do you get them to See the pain they afflict on those they love?

Someone once said that People don't Change...
Can they be wrong?

I like to think that people can Evolve themselves once they understand.
But they have to Want to Improve Themselves.
Otherwise, you suffer and beat your head against the wall hoping someone will change.

Handwriting Identifies a Person's Character and Personality.
It Helps People Recognize their Misjudgments...
And Find their Peace.

Because You Deserve a Great Relationship...

Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Scorned Characters Exclude...

The Handwriting Reveals the Character.
The Character that Shakespeare Wrote About....
The Wrath of a Woman Scorned.
Beware of the Man Scorned Too.

In his car outside their House...
The Husband hunched over his steering wheel...
He wasn't invited.
His Wife intentionally kept him from knowing...
An Affair for their Child...
They weren't Divorced...
Not Even Separated....

The Image of the 'Good Woman' who Resented...
Her Aloof Contempt of Conscience.
The Character that Shakespeare Wrote About....
The Vindictive Character in The Brother's Grimm...
The Movie Mean Girls Too.

Another Honorable Man was Excluded.
His Partner felt threatened...
Threatened by Honorable Man's Higher Intelligence.
The Same Character as a Woman Scorned...

He excluded Honorable Man from speaking at a Conference...
What did Honorable Man do to him?
He questioned a Validity...
An Objective Improvement...
The Scorned Man felt Threatened...
All the man did was question the Validity of a Concept.
Headaches and Torment...

Better the Partner than His Wife!

Take Care,

Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Werewolf Character In Red Riding Hood....

People seek to Understand a Troubled Reality....
Who is this Werewolf?
Why was he created?

The Aggressive Character....
Capable of Magnanimous Compassion.
But don't Cross this Character....
This Enneagram Type 8.

Sees the Lies....
Uncovers the Secrets....
Seeks Retribution....
Angrily Corrects the Injustice!

He trusted....
His trust was Betrayed!

He cannot be fooled...
Made to look like a fool.

His Unfaithful Secretive Wife....
The Exploitive Lover...
The Doomed Daughter of their Exploits.

The Bite of the Archetype....
Passed on through the Blood....
The 'Werewolf' exists today...
The Benevolent Strengths....
The Devastating Weakness.

Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious

Trump v Harris...Their Character & Motives...

As a Graphologist I offer insight into the character and motivations of individuals through their handwriting.  My hope is that my analysis ...