Friday, March 4, 2022

Mondrian... Insight into the Artist's Subconscious

Finding Logic...Gesso Charcoal Pastels on Paper
32" x 40"    2018

Piet Mondrian entered my life during one my Art School Drawing classes. I was having difficulty connecting with the mannequin still life until my professor suggested a Mondrian projection.  The animated energy subconsciously came out of me, it even made it into the Spring Show Exhibition. Yet...I struggled to orally describe what I had drawnMy conscious mind was hopelessly silent about this piece until I stumbled upon this Mondrian tree drawing on a friend's Facebook page.

There was something about this animated tree that spoke to me. The Melancholic Blue, Sanguine Red and Choleric Yellow are depicted in a rhythmic array of mental activity. There are hints of squares & rectangles in the instinctual area taking form for his later work. 

Mondrian's trees were created during his earlier years before his work evolved to the aerated focused lines, geometric squares & rectangles. What was it about Mondrian's character and personality that compelled such a transformation?  His handwriting, tree drawings and evolution of his art offer answers... insight.

It was a shocking experience for me to discover Mondrian's handwriting.  I expected it to have a formal controlled quality analogous to his clear & precise geometric forms. But it was lively & energized... negligent and impulsive in an intelligent way.

Mondrian Tree Drawing & Handwriting 1908

Mondrian's outgoing impulsivity is also verified in his tree drawings. This natural winter tree is easily influenced, with attempts to control his release of energy while the black guards his emotional availability. What's really interesting are the loose yet strategically placed greenish rectangles and squares framing of the tree to give it support and structure.  They have a linear quality about them. The green color and the connected adaptability of his handwriting is equated to the Phlegmatic in the Hippocratic temperaments.  A calming avoidance to center his active mind.

Mondrian's handwriting reveals an Intuitive Extrovert in Jung. These squares & rectangles offer a balancing focus for his adjustable creative genius. This intuitively active mind is reminiscent of the Enneagram Type 7. It relishes in improvising solutions from the array of options and opportunities available.

Hence the evolution of Mondrian's drawings... 

The earlier tree drawings lacked in aeration...invisible space that allows for clear independent judgement. His later geometric drawings bring a sense of order & clarity to his original & decisive mind. 


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