Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Sssoooo You Think You're Compatible...

Get clarity with an Objective Blueprint.

The first thing I see in a couple's handwriting is their rhythm.

Is it enhancing....

What's their common ground...
Is it impressionable and superficial?
Does a depth of mutual understanding exist to sustain the wrenches of life?

Can they grow together...
Are they destined to separate?

Does one person have a better sense of self that can benefit the other?
Are their core characters too different to reconcile?

I've been examining the handwriting of couples in relationships for over 20 years.
It's beautiful to see how the handwriting of two compatible people balance each other during their journey together.

Conversely,  discourse is predictable when the identifiable core characters are unable to understand the other.

Graphology is an invaluable tool for clarifying and assessing long term compatibility.  

Get an objective blueprint of your self and the important relationships in your life. 

It helped me sustain a happy marriage for over 35 years.  It can benefit you too!

Because You Deserve a Great Relationship...

Author of Coffee with the Subconscious 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Alzheimer's / Parkinson's Remedy...

Seated in the movie theater...
I feel the heart wrenching fear of Julianne Moore's portrayal of Alice slowing losing her mind.
Her acting is Oscar worthy...
I wish it wasn't an act for me.  

The movie, Still Alice, reminded me of Beautiful Barbara...
A fashion stylist who had helped me with my Wedding gown.
Years later, when I visited her at one of my father's Nursing Homes... I was shocked at her altered physical state.  Neither of us recognized the other.  

In the early 1960's, my physician father built Nursing Home's because he understood the burdensome effects of disease.
Did he have a premonition of his Parkinson's fate?!

Both Alzheimer's & Parkinson's are progressive neurological diseases.
They give warning to the genetically afflicted.
Alice tried to stage a suicidal cure...
My father camouflaged a weak heart for surgical acceptance.

In vulnerable support...
I agonized that my father wouldn't survive the surgery to alleviate his Parkinson's sorrow. 
His spirit wouldn't accept the debilitating alternative.
I lost him too soon.

I lived in fear of getting Parkinson's...
I could feel my brain fog.

Was it karma or luck that brought me to marry a pioneering physician...
A sensitive inquisitive mind.

While trying to find effective remedies to treat migraines he met his counterpart with a PhD in Methylation Biochemistry.  Together, they've been able to benefit Parkinson's... Cognitive Decline... Heart Disease...Migraines...& more...

I'm saddened that this natural preventative treatment wasn't available for my father, Beautiful Barbara, & Alice.
But it's there for me, my loved ones and everyone in need...

Take care, B

Because You Deserve a Great Relationship...
Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconsciou

Friday, February 13, 2015

What is Compatibility...

You'd think that having similar interests is the foundation for a sound relationship.
At the on set...

But the truth is...

What's behind those similar interests?
This is Key...
It's the underneath that can make or break a relationship.
Why does one do what they do?
What's their driving spirit?

One of the things I've found most difficult to understand about my work as a graphologist is the concept  of duplicitous behavior and conformist handwriting.

What's duplicitous behavior?
Why don't people evolve?
Why do they get stuck?
Why do I have to keep looking up duplicitous, persona and narcissistic in the dictionary?

The passion to want to understand...
To uncover...
To resolve.

Not being afraid to address the pain...
The inner torment.

To understand the DEEP why...
The Universal Why.

You Deserve a Great
Betty Rozakis Graphology

Trump v Harris...Their Character & Motives...

As a Graphologist I offer insight into the character and motivations of individuals through their handwriting.  My hope is that my analysis ...