Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Sssoooo You Think You're Compatible...

Get clarity with an Objective Blueprint.

The first thing I see in a couple's handwriting is their rhythm.

Is it enhancing....

What's their common ground...
Is it impressionable and superficial?
Does a depth of mutual understanding exist to sustain the wrenches of life?

Can they grow together...
Are they destined to separate?

Does one person have a better sense of self that can benefit the other?
Are their core characters too different to reconcile?

I've been examining the handwriting of couples in relationships for over 20 years.
It's beautiful to see how the handwriting of two compatible people balance each other during their journey together.

Conversely,  discourse is predictable when the identifiable core characters are unable to understand the other.

Graphology is an invaluable tool for clarifying and assessing long term compatibility.  

Get an objective blueprint of your self and the important relationships in your life. 

It helped me sustain a happy marriage for over 35 years.  It can benefit you too!

Because You Deserve a Great Relationship...

Author of Coffee with the Subconscious 

1 comment:

Trump v Harris...Their Character & Motives...

As a Graphologist I offer insight into the character and motivations of individuals through their handwriting.  My hope is that my analysis ...