Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dear B ........Searching for Answers F50

Dear B...
What can you tell about me from my writing...
Can you tell anything about the state of my health?
What do the trees show?
Can you tell anything about how an employer might view me as a perspective employee?

Dear Carcharm...

Deeply intelligent
You have a clear and objective mind....
But are too conciliatory in your attitude.
You're overly trying to do the correct and right thing...
You're unhappy and trying to hide your true feelings and emotions.
You're optimistic and need your independence.

You're receptive and have a need to express yourself....
But you're holding back.
Desiring to be appreciated...
Feelings of impotence linger.

Some sort of irregularity persists...
Sudden outburst of emotion / action...
Paroxysm of laughter.
Irregularity in Endocrine system...
Visceral spasms...
Nervous energy.

Psychological barriers persist.
Lack of freedom of feeling.
Inner conflicts.
Inconsistent will-power and action.
Lack of emotional equilibrium
Lack of Inner harmony and peace.

Drawings indicate...
Secret longing to be approached...
Sense of honor...achievement...hope.
Feeling under pressure.
Energy flow is blocked off.

A highly troublesome experience
Torments your soul....
Buried deep in your subconscious...
It happened during your mid-teens.
Carcharm's cerebral melancholic character...
Feels uncomfortable until she understands.
Lets examine the past for closure.

In addition....
Carcharm feels inhibited and lacks courage.
She lacks the courage to be honest about the person she feels she should love.
Your relationship with him could be the source of your inner woes.
Should we take a look at his writing for an objective perspective?

How would an employer view you?

A smart creative mind...
Independent attitude..
Knows how to take the initiative.
Abides by the rules of the organization.

There's no need for you to feel inferior to others....
You need mental activity.
The attraction of an interesting occupation...
This is the best means for you to feel better about yourself!

Optimistically Searching for Answers.

Take care,

Know Your Self......Know Your Relationships....Know Your Solution

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