Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Coffee Date with Harriet......2nd Cup

Harriet wasn't kidding when she stated that she has fun drawing trees....
What a wealth of information I had before me...
Harriet was drawing trees ....
Way before I asked her to....
Five years before.

Harriet's character loves going to the depths of her soul.....
What are her deep concerns?
Harriet asked if her subconscious can change, or be adjusted over time...

Your Subconscious has adjusted and evolved over the past five years.

Five years ago Harriet had a stronger need for both of her parent's approval...
A barbed wired nest....
A loss of Hope.
A loss of Hope in her Relationships...
A loss of Hope in her Aspirations.
Harriet was Confident, yet highly defensive in her attitude toward Others.

Harriet is on her guard about sex.
It's like she's placing a decoy.
What's her Achilles Heel?

Why does she feel Barred from entering a Holy Place...
Barred from her place of Sanctuary....
She's trying to break the barriers to find her own identity.

Harriet's loss of Hope has sprung into a need to be adored.
Harriet's focus is on Sunflowers...
Van Gogh focused on Sunflowers...
Sunflowers are the symbol for Adoration.
Harriet wants to be Adored....
Harriet wants to be Worshipped...
Harriet is capable of self-development....
Why such a need for disproportionate rewards?

A Sentimental Attitude.....
Blocking her personal feelings.
So much Pent up Hostility....
A Hostility that continues to fester....
What shame or traumatic event is she holding on to?
What happened to Harriet during her late teens and early twenties?

Struggling to break away to find...
HER Sun....
Harriet's Sun.

To Be Continued...

Take care,

Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Coffee Date with Harriet.......1st Cup

My comrade perceived herself....
A Little Funny & Dry....
I pressed her to Pick her Pseudonym.....
She expressed being Stuck....

Then all of a sudden......
Out of her Subconscious...
Harriet appeared.

Harriet it is.

Of all the books in the whole wide world....
Why did Harriet choose to write about Plato?
Why did Plato make sense for her character?

Plato is all about doing the right thing....
Doing the correct thing...
The Most Authentic thing.

This is a positive energy point for her character.

For Harriet......
She knows that she wants and needs to assert herself....
She wants to make sure that her subconscious is in agreement...
In agreement with her to do the right thing.

Her handwriting shows that she's stuck....
Harriet has expressed that she's stuck....
Perhaps the answer is hidden in her trees.

Let's take a look at her trees.....
Harriet has a lot of fun drawing trees...

To Be Continued....

Take care,

Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Awaiting Her Pseudonym.....

When I first saw her handwriting...
I felt a refined elegance....
But she was stumbling.

Her handwriting revealed a lack of confidence...
She had difficulty adapting...
She had a need to assert herself...
She wanted to assert herself...
Why couldn't she assert herself?

There was something unresolved from her past....
That lingered in her subconscious.

She chose to write about Love...
She wrote about the love she found in a book.

It wasn't the Romantic Love of Jane Austin..
It wasn't the Tortured Love of Leo Tolstoy...
She chose to write about the Platonic Love in Plato's Symposium.
A Universal Love...
Plato made sense for her character.
But her focus was on the previous events to the dinner party.

Why was she stuck?

I asked to see more of her handwriting...
And some of her trees...
She dutifully complied and fulfilled my request.
I asked her to pick her pseudonym...
She wanted me to pick one for her...

'If you make it a little funny and dry, it'll fit, I suspect.'

I'm waiting for Her choice...

To Be Continued...

Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious

Friday, October 15, 2010

Connecting Characters....

When I first met her....
I sensed a connection
But she would do things that perplexed me....
The answer was in her handwriting.

It was her Image that concerned her...
Her internal self image....
She felt insignificant.
She was uncomfortable revealing her first name.
Some sort of unsatisfactory attitudes from another.

I felt the Good in her....
I learned from her Wisdom.
I had the Courage to correct her.

She was impressionable....
She didn't trust her opinion.
She relied on others.
She created Crazy Dramas for Attention.

I couldn't let her get away with it.
My character inspired her to assert herself...
With confidence to Be Authentic.

I wanted to help her....
I needed to help her....

I received her birthday card...
Her handwriting evolved.

Optimistic with productive initiative...
A radiant precise real sense of self.

She raised a good son....
He was drawn to my character because of her...
Our connection was immediate...

A son's positive and nurturing relationship from his mother....
Sets the tone....
It sets the tone...
For how the son treats the important women in his life.

Thank you Kiki....


Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Suicide... Migraines...Personal Torment

Tyler Clementi's Drastic Measure...
Jumping Off the George Washington Bridge...
It was His way of dealing with his Unresolved Deep Personal Torment.

We ALL Have some deep and personal unresolved pain....
This personal torment manifests itself in various ways....
Not Being True to Ourselves....
Doing What Others Want...
Conforming Too Much...
Promiscuous Behaviors...
Abusing Others....Running Away....
Blaming Others....Anger...
Lying....Seeking Attention.

It doesn't have to be this way...
Handwriting Analysis / Graphology...
Defines.....Guides....Gives Clarity.

Everyone Needs a Clear Understanding of their character...
The right way to express their psychic energy in order to thrive and blossom.

Define your Blueprint....
It worked for me....
I Know it can benefit you.

Take care,

Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dear B....I Keep Failing...Why? F44

What's Wrong with Me?
It's SSSSOOOOO Bad......
I Flunked my Oral Exams Again!!!
I have trouble expressing what I want and need to say.

Ball & Chain

I received several pages of Ball & Chain's Handwriting.
This beautiful woman's Sorrow ran deep.
The evidence was in her pinched a's and o's.
Why couldn't she let light into her life?
Allow herself to shine in the sunlight?

She blamed her mother...
She took her anger out on her...
This is what daughter's usually do...
When the daughter doesn't want to see the Truth.
When it hurts too much...

Ball & Chain's basic character gets angry....
Gets angry and wants to perfect the people around her.
Her parents didn't get along so she saw her mother as the source of this dysfunction.
Were her actions justified?
Her mother had her own anger that she was dealing with...
An anger that was left unresolved.
Angry Mother took her anger out on her husband.
Thus creating an inharmonious environment for her children.
An Emotional Divide.

The Source of Ball & Chain's Sorrow wasn't the Obvious.
It was Buried....
Buried Way Deep in her Subconscious....
The Injustice not totally forgotten....
Resenting her mother....
But Accepting her father...

Ball & Chain Accepted....
She Accepted the Injustice..
The Injustice her Father Bestowed...
She was ten years old.

It was Summer...
Ball & Chain had a younger brother with a weak leg.
Similar to the Lazy Eye...
Her father cast his stronger leg.

Ball & Chain received a cast on her leg as well.
She wanted to please her father...
Receive his love...
She Clipped her Wings to Receive her Father's Love.

An Injustice she carried in her heart...
Denied her Heart's Expression!

I wish you success...

Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Mark of Larry....

He always Loved the Personal Touch...
Picking out the Right Gift at Christmas...
Handwriting Personal Expressive Thank-you Cards.
Commemorating His Best Friend Alone in Times Square.
He LOVED to Express Himself....
Lots of Heart!

Then He Published His Book...
The Ultimate in Personal Expression!

As a Graphologist I always wondered about his Signature.
I had trouble interpreting it.......

SSSOOOO much Intense Emotional Energy...
A Need for Personal Expression.....
But with a Purpose.....
A Creative Intellectual Purpose...

His character has a strong need to be true to themselves.
To be Authentic.....
And Independent.

His Signature was Tentative....
Needing to Divert itself into a Socially Useful Channel...

Then Came the Mark of Larry...
His chosen Pen Name...

Thank you...

Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious

Trump v Harris...Their Character & Motives...

As a Graphologist I offer insight into the character and motivations of individuals through their handwriting.  My hope is that my analysis ...