Awaiting Her Pseudonym.....

When I first saw her handwriting...
I felt a refined elegance....
But she was stumbling.

Her handwriting revealed a lack of confidence...
She had difficulty adapting...
She had a need to assert herself...
She wanted to assert herself...
Why couldn't she assert herself?

There was something unresolved from her past....
That lingered in her subconscious.

She chose to write about Love...
She wrote about the love she found in a book.

It wasn't the Romantic Love of Jane Austin..
It wasn't the Tortured Love of Leo Tolstoy...
She chose to write about the Platonic Love in Plato's Symposium.
A Universal Love...
Plato made sense for her character.
But her focus was on the previous events to the dinner party.

Why was she stuck?

I asked to see more of her handwriting...
And some of her trees...
She dutifully complied and fulfilled my request.
I asked her to pick her pseudonym...
She wanted me to pick one for her...

'If you make it a little funny and dry, it'll fit, I suspect.'

I'm waiting for Her choice...

To Be Continued...

Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious


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