I remember trying to like...
Perhaps the better more accurate term to describe by feelings toward Water Lillies..
Is that I tried to connect with Claude Monet.
Claude Monet ....
The Distancing Man.
The isolated man who tried to connect with others...
But alas, was unable.
The evidence was in Stephanie Cowell's book 'Claude & Camille'
In Claude Monet's Signature.
Perhaps Monet's painting 'Water Lillies'...
Represents all the people of his life....
The people that were so beautiful and meaningful to him.
But alas,
Claude Monet was unable to derive the depth of a meaningful relationship.
Take care,
Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
What Is Kim Kardashian's Misjudgment?
I wanted to understand Kim Kardashian's character....
I googled her handwriting and this is what I learned.
Was Kim Kardashian's marriage a publicity stunt?
I don't think so.
Her handwriting reveals that Kim's character is honest and direct.
It's her naivete that causes her misjudgments.
A passionately lustful character...
Kim can get quite energetically involved.
She can be quite contentious, insensitive and controlling.
This could cause strife in her relationships.
Kim's handwriting also depicts her need for love and wanting to belong.
Self-restraint and genuine empathy are the remedy for her way to love and happiness.
Because You Deserve a Great Relationship...
Take care,
Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious
I googled her handwriting and this is what I learned.
Was Kim Kardashian's marriage a publicity stunt?
I don't think so.
Her handwriting reveals that Kim's character is honest and direct.
It's her naivete that causes her misjudgments.
A passionately lustful character...
Kim can get quite energetically involved.
She can be quite contentious, insensitive and controlling.
This could cause strife in her relationships.
Kim's handwriting also depicts her need for love and wanting to belong.
Self-restraint and genuine empathy are the remedy for her way to love and happiness.
Because You Deserve a Great Relationship...
Take care,
Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Steven Jobs The Individual...
When I heard that Steven Jobs died...
I tried to locate his handwriting to give Insight to the man.
All I could locate was his signature.
A person's signature reflects how they value themselves.
Here are Steven Jobs feelings about his own value.
Steven Jobs was a sensitive guy...
Because You Deserve a Great Relationship...
His character was an anxious one...
An intense intuitive personality.
Excitable, Enthusiastic and Energetic...
He had careful objective judgment and knew how to control himself.
Honest and fair with an intense thinking capacity...
He was a down-to-earth character with good organizational capacity.
He wasn't afraid to fight for what he believed in.
Reserved and discrete he had a need for others and past roots.
He was pre-occupied with needing to belong...
He craved to belong and be accepted by friends and family.
Humble in his needs...
Steven Jobs didn't know we all loved him.
Rest in Peace Steven Jobs.
Your Memory is Eternal...
Because You Deserve a Great Relationship...
Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Job Struggle Insight for L.A. Scorpio...
Dear L.A. Scorpio....
You're feeling discouraged and withdrawn...
Focusing your efforts on getting an 'Academic Advisor Job.'
Yes, you have a Master's in Psychology.
Is sitting behind a desk the right answer for you character?
Why do you feel the need to dissemble your innate enthusiastic energy?
This is probably why you're feeling so withdrawn and need to isolate your self.
L.A. Scorpio, you have a dignified intensity.
You're dynamic and tenacious with captivating mannerisms.
You're quite adept at attracting people's attention and interest.
And diplomatically know how to get your way.
This is probably why you secure Sales Interviews and jobs so readily.
Yes, there IS a problem for you.
There's a lot more depth to you that requires attention and fulfillment.
That's why you're unhappy 'taking another metrics-based, heavy burn out job.'
Generous with confidence in people...
You're considerate of other people's opinion's and feelings.
L.A. Scorpio...
You have an innate ability to inspire and uplift people.
You know how to TAke Charge and help people through a crisis.
You know how to create opportunity for others...
To uplift victims of injustice or abuse.
If you're currently unable to find a job that fills this void...
Expose your self to Volunteer work.
Help the weak and disenfranchised.
Network your self.
You're inquisitive and know how to seize opportunities.
You're 35 years young.
The first handwriting you did for me was the most evolved and harmonious for your character.
You wrote philosophically about an injustice you recently experienced with your landlord.
This is where you thrive.
It was a refined progressive cursive handwriting.
Take care,
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The 'Non-Conformist' Help....
Handwriting and Yarn...
Two connected threads that penetrate my soul.
I feel the innate beauty of the individual.
That individual that wants to break free from their bondage
To be allowed to breathe and become what they feel
Without any of the outside voices
Those critical voices that hinder their progress.
That's what the movie, The Help was about.
It was about a woman's voice that cried out to be seen.
To be heard for who she really was.
This is Lady Gaga's message as well.
The 'White women' of that town in Mississippi.
They feared for their image and conformed.
Causing SSSoooo much hurt for themselves, their children and what was real.
Constantine died of a broken heart.
Rejected because of a conforming fear to belong.
To belong to what?
Conforming Kills!!!
Conforming Distorts reality...
Mean Girls...Gangs...Bullying
Teenage suicide
Human bondage
Emotional and physical abusive behaviors.
Know Your Self.....Know Your Relationships....Know Your Solution.
Take care,
Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious
Take care,
Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Casey Anthony...A Calculating Opportunist
As Casey Anthony's Verdict was revealed...
Because You Deserve a Great Relationship...
My friend Gina forwarded me the link of Casey Anthony's Handwriting...
I didn't know what to expect...
This is what I found.
SSSOoooo many pages of obsessive and deliberate thought...
Independent thoughts that lacked perspective and sound judgment.
Casey Anthony deliberately rambles with the intent to impress....
She's crazed with a cunning selfishness to captivate people's affections.
She wants to be noticed and prefers the company of others.
Careful yet Tenacious....
Stubborn, aggressive and combative...
Casey has very developed instincts of self-preservation.
She's a capable fierce fighter who doesn't abdicate easily.
Casey knows how to cover up and hide her natural inclinations.
She's arrogant and inflexible with strong decisive will power.
A well-disciplined mind that lacks objectivity and tact...
Capable of mean and selfish attitudes.
Casey Anthony possesses a carefully contained rage of fury...
Artfully concealed in a veil of reserved secrecy.
Is this the type of character that would duct tape shut the mouth of her child?
Casey Anthony lacks the nurturing qualities of kindness and compassion.
Casey Anthony...
A cold and austere self-involved young mother.
Because You Deserve a Great Relationship...
Sunday, June 26, 2011
A Friend or Not a Friend...
One day I called a friend...
I called her to introduce her to a man....
She was interested, but stated that she was engaged to another....
There was something about her hesitation that prompted me to encourage her....
What I received at the other end of the phone made me cringe....
Her venomous thrashing made me second guess my concern for her...
I saw that she was unhappy....
This was something that she refused to consider.
At least....That's what I inferred from her angry response.
Six months later...
She called to tell me...
To Thank me
It was a heartfelt confession...
VERY difficult for her character...
I was the ONLY one who had the guts to tell her the obvious...
That she was engaged to the one that wasn't the right one for her emotional well being...
She needed to STOP the Charade...
I gave her the courage...
Her long lost courage...
To do the right thing for her soul....
I was immune to her thrashing venom...
I understood her defense mechanism of denial....
I truly wished her well...
I wished her inner peace....
No More misdirected anger.....
She left the one she knew in heart was wrong for her soul...
She married another....
A more subconscious link...
Know Your Self....Know Your Relationships...Know Your Solution.
Take Care,
Friday, May 27, 2011
Before the Song 'Born This Way'......
On Stage in Cental Park this morning on Good Morning America...
Lady Gaga's Wish was to be Herself with her Fans....
Last September 30, 2010 I wrote about this need...
Before Lady Gaga Sang Her Song...
I saw it in her Handwriting...
'My Friend Gina personally met Lady Gaga..
She Spent quality time on her touring bus.
Lady Gaga Autographed her Tour Book...
A Personal Message to Gina along with her Signature.
I noticed something puzzling about the handwriting.
It had a contradictory quality about it.
Lady Gaga...
Full of Imagination...
Lady Gaga feels like an Imposter...
Escaping to Another Realm.
Lady Gaga is Emotionally Tired...
Her Character is Emotionally Drained.
Innately Reserved and Introspective...
She has a Deep Need to Belong.
Lady Gaga's Character has a need...
A Need for Authenticity and Self-Esteem...
Her Character Requires the Right Productive Activity to Thrive...
In her Political Fight to repeal a law...
The Person behind the Theatrical...
Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta
Spoke to the world as herself.
Dressed in her Own Conservative Style.
Full of Self-esteem...
Productive Purpose.
Several Months Later....
Born This Way Arrived....
Illuminating the Whole World...
Being True to Herself....
Way To Go Stefani!!!!!
Because You Deserve a Great Relationship...
Because You Deserve a Great Relationship...
Sunday, May 15, 2011
For My Mentor....A Tribute to Renna....
Renna Crossed the Pond
That's how I met her.
I'm that Greek-American
Who struggled to learn Graphology...
The Right Way.
It was my turn to Cross the Pond...
I needed to learn from her-
She welcomed me to stay with her...
A priceless opportunity of a lifetime.
Renna encouraged me to continue with Graphology
After I flunked the Oral Exam a few times.
She believed in me...
She understood my mind and my virtues.
A kind and solid voice to my soul.
My hope is that I can do for others
What she did for me...
Thank you Renna Nezos.....
With Love and Respect,
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Audrey Hepburn.....An Enlightened Character
Audrey Hepburn Appeared on Twitter today...
Revered on her Birthday...
The Eternal Optimist as clarified by her handwriting...
Her Strong Sense of Purpose..
Stylish Self-Control....
She Required her Independence.
Audrey understood the need to take care of herself....
Before she could tend to the needs of others.
Audrey Hepburn's Kind Even -Temper...
A Ceremonious Politeness...
Her Receptive Sympathetic Character...
Loved the Finer Qualities of Life.
Because You Deserve a Great Relationship...
Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious
Because You Deserve a Great Relationship...
Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Pain in Love....
What do you do when you Love Someone...
What do you do when their Agonizing Torment Overwhelms You...
How do you preserve Your Self through all the Pain and Chaos?
Do You....
Do You....
Fight them?
Yell at them?
Try to Nurture them?
Cry your Heart out?
Remove yourself?
Seek Another?
Certain characters suffer more than others.
What's their motive?
Do they seek to control you?
Do they continually disappoint your inner being?
If their remorse is genuine...
How do you penetrate their defenses...
How do you get them to See the pain they afflict on those they love?
Someone once said that People don't Change...
Can they be wrong?
I like to think that people can Evolve themselves once they understand.
But they have to Want to Improve Themselves.
Otherwise, you suffer and beat your head against the wall hoping someone will change.
Handwriting Identifies a Person's Character and Personality.
It Helps People Recognize their Misjudgments...
And Find their Peace.
Because You Deserve a Great Relationship...
Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious
I like to think that people can Evolve themselves once they understand.
But they have to Want to Improve Themselves.
Otherwise, you suffer and beat your head against the wall hoping someone will change.
Handwriting Identifies a Person's Character and Personality.
It Helps People Recognize their Misjudgments...
And Find their Peace.
Because You Deserve a Great Relationship...
Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Scorned Characters Exclude...
The Handwriting Reveals the Character.
The Character that Shakespeare Wrote About....
The Wrath of a Woman Scorned.
Beware of the Man Scorned Too.
In his car outside their House...
The Husband hunched over his steering wheel...
He wasn't invited.
His Wife intentionally kept him from knowing...
An Affair for their Child...
They weren't Divorced...
Not Even Separated....
The Image of the 'Good Woman' who Resented...
Her Aloof Contempt of Conscience.
The Character that Shakespeare Wrote About....
The Vindictive Character in The Brother's Grimm...
The Movie Mean Girls Too.
Another Honorable Man was Excluded.
His Partner felt threatened...
Threatened by Honorable Man's Higher Intelligence.
The Same Character as a Woman Scorned...
He excluded Honorable Man from speaking at a Conference...
What did Honorable Man do to him?
He questioned a Validity...
An Objective Improvement...
The Scorned Man felt Threatened...
All the man did was question the Validity of a Concept.
Headaches and Torment...
Better the Partner than His Wife!
Take Care,
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The Werewolf Character In Red Riding Hood....
People seek to Understand a Troubled Reality....
Who is this Werewolf?
Why was he created?
The Aggressive Character....
Capable of Magnanimous Compassion.
But don't Cross this Character....
This Enneagram Type 8.
Sees the Lies....
Uncovers the Secrets....
Seeks Retribution....
Angrily Corrects the Injustice!
He trusted....
His trust was Betrayed!
He cannot be fooled...
Made to look like a fool.
His Unfaithful Secretive Wife....
The Exploitive Lover...
The Doomed Daughter of their Exploits.
The Bite of the Archetype....
Passed on through the Blood....
The 'Werewolf' exists today...
The Benevolent Strengths....
The Devastating Weakness.
Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious
Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious
Monday, March 14, 2011
How Can I Be A Better Person.....F 49
Hi B....
Of Course you can use me in your Blog.
Questions regarding my current handwriting and trees--
I cannot help but wonder if my current stress with my oldest son, and financial issues isn't being reflected in my handwriting and trees?
It must be?
I would be curious how often you notice changes in one's graphology based on the current stresses in their lives...
Or does the writing stay consistent throughout the years?
How can I help myself to be a better person so that I can improve my relationship with my young adult, other children, husband, peers?
How can I control the stress and anxiety I feel on a daily basis so that I can perform better at work and at home.
At times my head is spinning.
My life is becoming chaotic.
I feel the need to hide.
I need to get back on my feet.
I need to find peace.
I want to look forward to waking up, not dreading what the day will bring....
My Dear....
As I compare your handwriting and your trees over the years....
I see that you're becoming more at ease and confident with your true self.
For most of your adult life you felt the need to suffocate your spontaneous tendencies in order to achieve self-control and 'Good Behavior.'
Watch your Character's Temptation to become Dependent on others for Emotional Security....
There's a Discrepency between What You Are and How you would like to Appear.....
You've been living under constant self-serveillance.....
You choose to give the impression that you're passive and that you hide behind authority....
But you're a bit of a rebel and find ways to organize matters to suit your inner harmony.
Your Basic Nature is quite Strong and needs to be Independent.
You're Sensitive with an Enterprising Fighting Spirit.
You want to feel more secure....
But you must first be secure with yourself...
Trust and have faith in yourself.
The problem with your relationships is this:
You give mixed signals and ambiguous signs of your real attitudes and dislikes.
Be Fair with others and tell them what is on your mind....
Be Mindful that you don't sound wishy-washy, indecisive and defensive.
It's this type of attitude that causes conflicts and tensions in all of your relationships.
It's Courageous for you to speak up ....
When you do----
Be careful not to go to the extreme and become belligerant / antagonistic....
It's a sign of maturity to keep your emotions in balance.
You're more confident in your Self than you want to show...
You can think better alone...
You get distracted by others because you're sensitive to other people's feelings and are always willing to help.
This increases your instablity and versatile emotions.
Put your energy and attention into building your Proper Self Esteem and having Faith in Yourself.
Self-Affirmation is the basis of Courage...
It supports your healthy capacity for maintaining committed relationships that are important to you.
Independent yet Interdependent as an Equal.
Your basic character is comfortable with original thought and not going along with what is socially acceptable....You're comfortable thinking outside of the box....Embrace this!
Stop worrying so much about what others think and hiding behind someone or something to protect yourself.
Anxiety is inescapable...
We ALL have it!
Look at it as an invigorating force.
Hope this helps....
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
I Need Help....
I see what's wrong....
But I dare not speak.
I want to help....
But I'm not wanted.
That's incorrect.
They want my help....
It's difficult for some to directly ask for it.
They seek my advise....
They want to know....
But they're not ready to act.
They need to process.
They need to process the information in private....
At their own pace.
At their indirect own pace.
They said that I didn't care.
But they know that I Do Care.
There they go again....
Leaving their Wake....
They're waiting for me to give them Clarification....
The Clarification that they Crave....
A Clarification that they rely on ....
They rely on my Objective Knowledge...
A Wise Reality....
A Lonely Place to Be.
NOT Lonely....
It's Vindication.
Freedom for their Soul.
Take care,
New Boyfriend's Handwriting....
My First Blog Client contacted me for advice on her new boyfriend.
It's been 7 months since I last saw her handwriting.
As I opened her envelope I was happy to find her character in a better place.
She is No Longer Conforming in an effort to Please the man in her life.
She's more Direct, Confident and Independent in her approach to life.
She suffered from chronic headaches from her first husband.
Her first husband's writing depicted a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing....
Is her New Boyfriend a healthier fit for her character?
Is There a Danger of History Repeating Itself?
Let's take a look at New Boyfriend's Handwriting...
Not an Exploiter like the first husband...
OH BOY....
He can be quite Selfish and Brutal in his own way.
New Boyfriend is a Sensitive Thinking type of a man...
He has Independent ideas and quick judgment.
He's ambitious and creative...
Meticulous with a strong attention to detail.
He needs to achieve a status among his peers...
His Pride isn't always justified or deserved....
He's Quite Arrogant and Contemptuous.
He can be a bit 'Touchy'....
He can be inappropriate with verbal outbursts...
There exists the risk of Violence with this man too.
Stay Independent....
You have a good mind....
Keep developing yourself and your potential..
It's YOUR Self-Esteem....
It's what YOU want that matters!
Take care,
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Born This Way....It's About Stefani!
Lady Gaga arrived in her 'Egg" at the Grammy's.
Then she broke out of her shell into Song....
HER Song.
Lady Gaga wrote a song that sprang from the depths of her soul...
It's a BEAUTIFUL song about her subconscious experience...
A Fabulous Performance...
Winning LOTS of Awards....
She Earned it!
Then WHY the need to attribute Whitney Houston?
GREAT ART is about making the Subconscious Tangible...
The Greeks have a saying.....
Espase apo to avyo...
The Literal translation is 'Breaking out of one's egg'....
Born This Way....
Not About Lady Gaga...
Not About Whitney Houston...
It's About Stefani...
Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta.
Know Your Self.....Know Your Relationships....Know Your Solution
Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious
Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious
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