Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Denial Kills the Soul

Two twenty-eight year old women...
Friends conversing on Twitter...
The Scientist Writer wanted reassurance from her friends.
Something about her marriage troubled her.
She had difficulty communicating her feelings to her spouse.
So...she forwarded her husband a link..
She was afraid that she was TOO assertive with her husband.
A Writer friend responded with laughter.

A superficial response to a deep troubled feeling....
Scientist Writer was on the right track trying to express her feelings...
She was worried that she was being TOO FORWARD with her husband.
What kind of marriage did they have that she stressed about communicating with her husband about having a baby?

So I Tweeted my "take" on this genuine concern.
More needed to be addressed other than laughter and forwarding a link.
A faster than lightening reply appeared in my @CoffeewithB....
Her troubled concern turned into....
"Tongue in cheek.....we're 100% in agreement on baby time line....the perils of 140 characters."

The French have a saying....
"Qui s'excuse, s'accuse." (He who justifies himself, gives himself away.)

Her subconscious is gnawing at her....
Scientist Writer chooses to project an IMAGE of a solid marital front...
It's ONLY going to get worse...

The solution is to analyze both of their handwriting to understand...
Is Scientist Writer the type of character who goes along to get along in order to avoid conflict?
Why does she deny?
What is her husband's innate character?
Why does Scientist Writer have so much trouble communicating with him?

Betty Rozakis Graphology
Author of Coffee with the Subconscious

Know Your Self ....Know Your Relationships......Know Your Solution

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