Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Madonna's Misinformed Focus

I woke up to
Elle Magazine's Tweet ....
Their Quote of the day.....

Madonna believes that she won't be "Happy" unless she becomes as famous as God.
She's STUCK in a Universal Notion of PERFECTION.
Somehow her innate character fell into quicksand....
She needs the aid of her other energy points to
Save her from sinking.

The source of Madonna's unhappiness is internal....
Buried way deep below her strenuous workouts...
and the firing applause of her followers.
Her innate character gets Angry...
I recall hearing that she was a straight "A' student...
Something happened early on in her life that infuriated her...
But instead of addressing this injustice directly she shifted the focus ...
Madonna at first shifted the focus to doing the "correct" thing with her grades in school....
Then....she went to an opposite extreme to perfect herself in the Universal Realm of Fame!

Madonna experienced two failed marriages...
She has two impressionable children...
What happened to this talented woman to thrust her to such extremes?
She's the victim of blind courage......fanatical.....desperate.

Look what happened to Faust...Oscar Wilde's Dorian Grey...Icarus
They sold their souls for eternal knowledge and eternal youth......
They overindulged themselves in feasts of the body.
Icarus suffered his meltdown trying to reach the sun / God.

All of their ends were tragic.
There's still time for Madonna...

Know Your Self ........Know Your Relationships......Know Your Solution
Coffee with the Subconscious.

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